Scouting Ministries
- BSA Scouting:
Boys’ Troop, Girl’s Troop, Cub Scout Pack and Dens, and Venturing Crew #2484
Our BSA Scouting units are Co-Ed, and comply with the guidance of the BSA Scouting regluations for Co-Ed Scouting units - GSA Scouting:
Girl Scout Troop #1310
Children and Youth Ministry
Of the Marshall County UM Churches
2019 Cluster Schedule of Events
All events are free unless otherwise indicated. Times are from 2:00-4:00 unless otherwise indicated. Call Jenny Darnall (270-703-1581) with questions.
- Sunday, February 17th Vertical Jump Paducah
- Sunday, March 10th Funky Monkey Pottery at Benton First UMC (Kids paint for free. Adults are welcome to paint “Giving Bowls” for 10.00. All proceeds from Giving Bowls go to local organizations that feed the hungry in Marshall County)
- Wednesday, March 20th Youth Volunteering at McUMC ‘s Third Place Ministries 5:30-7:30
- Sunday, March 24th Bowling at Corvette Lanes in Murray Kentucky
- Sunday, April 14th Laser Tag at Pleasant Grove UMC (2:00-3:00 for children’s group and 3:00-4:00 for middle school, 4:00-5:00 for high school)
- Sunday, May 5th Bazoka Ball at Crossings and Soda Pop Tasting at Hitching Post (parents need to sign waiver)
- Wednesday, June 12th Building Beds with the Bed Ministry and Bible Jeopardy Calvert City UMC 6:00-7:30
- June 24th-28th DayShore Camp (a day camp for elementary aged kids) hosted at Pleasant Grove UMC (contact Brother Jim for a registration form 270-280-0314)
- July 1st-3rd DayShore Camp (a day camp for elementary aged kids) hosted by Calvert City UMC (contact Calvert Methodist for a registration form 270-395-4746)
- Sunday, July 21st Calvert Drive-In (allowing movie is appropriate) any time after 7:00 pm –bring your lawn chair and blanket, and we will buy your ticket, burger, and drink
- Saturday, August 17th – Venture River Departure time is 9:30 am from Benton First parking lot. Cost is $15.00 per person, but we will provide lunch.
- Wednesday, August 28th Senior High Olympic Games 5:30-7:30 Pleasant Grove UMC
- Friday nights in September Friday Night Lights Events (cookout, serving football players and coaches dinner, and providing Carnival games and other events –will be on evenings of home games at Marshall County High School)
- Sunday, September 8th Miniature Golf at Maggie’s Jungle Golf
- Sunday, October 13th Dexter/Hardin UMC Painting Pumpkins and Delivery to shut ins
- Sunday, November 3rd Briensburg UMC Preparing Thanksgiving Food Baskets
- Sunday, November 24th Briensburg UMC Delivering Thanksgiving Food Baskets from 1:30-5:00. Lunch will be provided before we leave to deliver.
Caroling in December Benton First and Pleasant Grove both go caroling. Contact us for dates to join the fun!
Our Youth Ministries comply with our Safe Sanctuary Policy, derived from the Memphis Conference UMC Safe Sanctuary Policy Recommendations, and with the BSA Youth Protection program, and with the GSA Safety Activities Checklist.